Weekly Programs
In the interest of transparency and to avoid disappointment, we’d like to make it clear that all programs are priced on the assumption that 7 out of 10 weeks will run each term. However, we will run all 10 weeks of term at no additional charge if conditions allow (essentially providing up to 3 free sessions per term and some degree of flexibility for students that skip weeks for various reasons). In normal circumstances, participants will get more than the 7 weeks, in very rare circumstances they may not. In order to ensure space for your child, a booking reserves the space for each week of the term. Low weekly costs are achieved by selling spaces as a term long program and are not possible by selling weekly spots on a casual basis. As with most term or season long group sports, they are not costed to include credits, refunds or alternative classes for weeks missed for any reason.
If you envisage missing the majority of weeks, you may wish to pay the week-by-week casual fee of $75 however this is strictly subject to availability on the week in the group that is suitable for your child. No guarantee of availability of casual spots on any given week are given and availability changes over the term.
In the event of inclement weather (heavy rain, storms etc.) we may look to postpone, modify or cancel the session, but will attempt to deliver the majority of classes. As a result, we do ride in the rain with due consideration to safety. We will make every effort to deliver all sessions in any given period, but the program pricing assumes that events beyond our control may result in some programs not running. Bike On strictly adhere to capacity numbers for all programs and cannot typically accommodate missed or cancelled sessions by moving kids around between different programs week to week.
Holiday Programs
Credits and refunds are only offered for holiday programs we cancel. Where children elect not to ride for some or all of the program for any reason including weather, tiredness other issues, refunds or credits are not typically provided. A full overview of our policy is here LINK REQUIRED